It's not as ominous as it sounds...just a reference to the passing of the equinox. We're now (in the northern hemisphere anyway) heading into the dark half of the year. The days will gradually get shorter, the shadows longer and, for a time, the light more golden.
While these pictures only illustrate the darkness in terms of the water (they're from my August trip to VA...and, well, I'm still not in an art making frame of mind) I do so love autumn. Every year, I believe, I wax poetic (or not so poetic) about my ardour for this season. The colors, the tastes and smells. It's incredibly sensual.
Perhaps the greatest difficulty (now for a second year in a row), is that I'm unable to do proper nesting. Autumn is that time when I want to organize and tidy, and create an environment that nurtures and nourishes during the dark days. It's a time for taking stock and getting ready for the deep introspection of winter. Even if I can't go all out, on account of my uncertain living situation, I do what I can. I burn cinnamon scented candles and seasonally appropriate Japanese incense (yes, I do have a specific kind!), collect colored leaves and hang strands of orange Halloween lights. I'll gather my books around me to study and to dream. I'll do what it takes to tide me through these strange times...