So, here we are friends, down to the last few days of 2013. Amazing, huh...this whole time thing?
The holidays have come, and though I personally hesitate to say gone, for the vast majority of folks gone would be correct. It was a lovely time, good feelings and love shared with family and friends. No complaints.
And so the new year is upon us. I love the feeling of a fresh start on the horizon. What are the changes, other than the calendar, that inspire this sense? Of course, the days are very, very gradually getting longer. For me, though, it's that deep collective acknowledgement of a new beginning that arouses my enthusiasm and sharpens my intentions.
My hopes for the new year are many and mostly personal and internal. In the outer world, though, I desire to produce much more art and with greater focus. Many aspects of my life have weighed me down this past year, resulting in a slow burn of energy and not much left for complex creative expression (my experiments with food and herbs are creative, but those are so natural that they don't require as much from me).
Today I glanced over at the light settling on my altar. The urge was immediate to grab a camera. At first I was headed for the Instax, but when I realized the old Automatic 100 had some (soon to be discontinued...**sniff**) Fuji 3000b in it, that's what my hands picked up. When the light is *just* right, the 3000b can offer some awesome solarizing on the goops and that's just what I received. I'm delighted.
I hope it's a good sign...that I'm experiencing inspiration and creative flow. I'd love for 2014 to be a year filled with art...and all the other goodies like love, peace and joy. I wish you all the best in the coming year!