There seems to be a problem with me being motivated to blog. Well, I'm not sure if that's a is what it is, I suppose. I'm still getting my bearings, getting settled, finding support. Some days are better than others (and my hope is that there will come a tipping point when the good days outnumber the not so good).
I've actually made a little bit of headway regarding making new real life contacts (as opposed to emails and facebook messages exchanged). This is a good thing, considering there are days when I just don't get out and spend far too much time with my own company and the voices in my head! One of the visits I made was to an art center in town. It was a pleasure to see the variety and skill level exhibited and realize just how many working artists there are in the area. On some level, even if only momentarily, I began to feel some inspiration to make art again.
The inside work on the house has stopped for the time being. Things are pretty well set up. Yes, there's another gallon or two of paint to use, but I've been putting that off...which I have the perogative to do. More of my energy has been going into the garden. In the front yard, all the area underneath the dogwood is now cleared out. Chris, the local gardening pro with whom I've been working, pretty much gets what I'm after and has been a great resource. He's going to till and amend the soil that now lays bare and in another few weeks there will be a trip to Edible Landscaping to procure some plants! I've been getting enthused thinking about what will be going in (and I'm going to try very hard to not be too experimental and put in things that won't thrive here). There will be lots of herbs, some berries, a rose and whatever else presents itself in a way that I can't say no.
My little kitchen has been getting a good workout too. Chocolate chip cookies, home made pizza, nectarine and berry galette and peach jam have all been produced. The first crock of kraut at Baba Yaga's is fermenting on the counter, along with another ginger bug. For this next batch of soda, I want to see how much sassafras root I can dig (which is growing wild next to my driveway) and use that flavoring for the base to be cultured with the ginger bug. I did actually make a sassafras simple syrup to use in cocktails, but the flavor turned out a bit milder than I'd anticipated. It's good for making a soda with sparkling water but gets overpowered when used with something like bourbon (it might actually work with vodka, now that I think of it...hmmmm...).
That's the news for now. You'll find pics of the garden and yards below. I wish you all a wonderful finish to your summer!
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