It's definitely felt wintry the past few days. After some rain last week, this week has found us dipping into the teens at night, and the past couple days not getting much above 30F for our high. Today, especially, has been dark and cold. Although Avery and I didn't get out for a walk on the in the windy cold yesterday, we did brave the upper 20s today, armored with coats and hats and gloves (only a coat in Avery's case). It actually felt good to get moving in the chill air, but equally good to come back in near the wood stove. And...thankfully...I got another full cord of wood delivered Wednesday morning!
I got out a few nights ago, to take pictures of my Christmas lights. They're nothing special, really, and exist wherever I can reach using nothing more than a stepladder. Still, I like them.
It's been a strange year (did I say that in my last post??) and my days have felt a little odd and foggy recently. Clearly, I'm just moving through how I move through (although I admit I sometimes worry about myself). In just a few days I'll be winging my way to the home of my heart (not to diss my physical home and I'm working on anchoring my heart here), the Bay Area. I look forward to feeling all the feels, being with family and seeing my sweet Pacific ocean again...