Well, let's see...where shall I begin...
Firstly, the trip up to Alexandria for the Ipseity reception was lovely. It was great to chat for a while with other artists and also get acquainted with the juror. There was a decent little gathering for the talk, despite the frigid, windy evening.
When I arrived in town earlier in the day, my room wasn't ready yet, so I did my typical jaunt down King Street. Only, at 33F and very high winds, it was less relaxed than usual. Despite that, I enjoyed being out in Old Town Alexandria, got a good look at the exhibit when the gallery was empty and had a yummy crab cake sandwich down by river.
I was pleased to have gotten a room in the hotel that was on an upper floor, facing east. Goofy as it may be, I always request this when staying at this particular place. It's a delight to wake up and watch the sunrise from the comfort of my room. Quite fortunately, the conditions were such that I was witness to a wonderful show one morning...I took a lot of pictures, needless to say!
Friday's itinerary consisted of a visit to the National Mall and specifically the National Gallery of Art. Should I be embarrassed to say that my main focus of that visit was to see the fourteen foot blue rooster sculpture on the roof?? No...no, I'm unashamed! But there were other delights to view on the walls inside, in addition to an enjoyable steamy walk through the National Botanic Garden across the way, that filled out the day.
And after all that lovely busy-ness, coming home to, well, an empty house was...a mixed blessing, I guess. I felt off kilter for a day or so, but got my balance back. Interestingly, I had thought today was going to be...sad. It's not so much that it's Valentine's day and I have no one special in my life, but that it's the anniversary of the day five years ago, when my ex said, no more. Boy, was that a crappy day. Not just crappy, but almost unbearably crazy for me. I thought I was going crazy for some time after that, to be honest. I'm still working through the aftermath. All that being said, yeah, I thought I would be bogged down by it all...all, being everything that the whole ball of wax represents to me. Surprisingly, after a little cry this morning, I've been okay. I've been focused on projects and tasks, I've been listening to audio CD's that speak to my soul, and I'm getting to a place where this aloneness is more than tolerable. Perhaps it's important for me to give love to myself right now, rather than to have someone else to give that love to, or have given to me. I don't think there's any perhaps about it, actually. And it's not just the love...it's the respect and nurturance, the encouragement and care.
So this Valentine's day, I thought about my love for my kids, and let them know. I called my mom to wish her a happy Valentine's day. My eldest brother called and I need to get back to him. I'll go to aikido practice tonight and be with friends and community there. And I'm grateful to have this quiet, creative space in which to do what I want and need, exactly when I want and need to do it. Which reminds me...there's this little stack of papers related to filing taxes next to me...but that will wait. Not today.