Got myself ahead of the game today! It started by committing to rising earlier. I would have been really on it, had that hour long wake up at three a.m. (no idea why that happened) not occurred. Why is it, when I finally get myself around to a strong intended reset, starting with getting to bed earlier, my sleep still gets disturbed? Oh well. In any case, I managed an earlier start to the day and without delving into social media from the get go (a habit I'm working to change).
It's a a rather gray, coolish morning. There has been no rain for what seems like weeks, so the garden is getting watered by sprinkler. While I was at that, I noticed a few new things in the yard. The camellias out back are starting to bloom, as is the pineapple sage (which should make the pollinators happy). I also pulled up some sassafras root, to use in the next batch of fermented soda.
I like this...being an early(er?) bird. It's a battle because of all the emotional challenges that still affect my well being. But last night I felt a surge of some kind of energy. I remember my first Sensei used to talk about dynamic will, and that it doesn't occur because of thinking but because of a deep energetic push from within. This energy kind of will comes without effort (so is it still will?). I've noticed this phenomena off and on in my life. I'm ready to experience it again!
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