It's been bitter cold here in the east. No snow...just dry and cold. It's winter, so this is to be expected I suppose. The dismal skies and freezing temperatures, though, are dampening my spirits. It's still the dark time of the year and although the hours of sunshine are increasing, it's incremental as yet. I think I'm just sort of tired in general, so I'm not fretting about this subdued state...just noticing.
The past year held no profound banner moments. That being said, there were quite a few minor achievements. I have no qualms about how my life was lived in 2017. There was intention, focus and work accomplished. There was a lot of internal work done...but that's ongoing. I want to do more and better in all aspects.
Tomorrow a new calendar year begins. In some ways this is just a made up ending/beginning. But I believe that the collective consciousness that surrounds this point suffuses the event with an energy that's unique. At least that's always how it's felt to me and tapping into that is useful. I have intentions for this coming year. I'm trying to up my game with what I desire to create in this life of mine. There's nothing really new on the list, but rather broadening the vision of possibilities.
So, today...I took down Christmas. Everything is put away aside from the little strings of lights, because I still need those. I used to leave the tree up until January 6th (my mom used to do that because her mom did etc. etc., based on some Catholic thing I think). The little created tree I made, however, was getting really brown in spots so it seemed best to take it out. Putting everything away felt right. It felt like a better way to set myself up for this new start. Sometimes the hanging on of Christmas stuff can trigger nostalgia that isn't's dragging old energy into the new year.
I'm looking forward to my continued work, both internal and external.
I wish you all a very happy, healthy, prosperous new year filled with love and connection!