2018 is winding to a close. It's that time of year when I (like so many others) take a moment to reflect on the past twelve months. That time seems to pass with an ever increasing pace as I age. And speaking of aging...I turn 60 in less than a week!! What a trip.
So...this year... I produced a lot of physical work (which allows me an opportunity to show in a month or so...more on that as the weeks go by) (also, n/y intention...more of the same!). I continued to shoot film and even print a little bit in the darkroom (n/y intention....more darkroom printing!). I put myself out into the world more (which has been slowing increasing over the past couple years...n/y intention, more of the same). I made a little bit of money, here and there (n/y intention, more of the same). I managed to save a little bit of money (or at least not dip into savings), owing to my knack for frugality (n/y intention, be frugal but also spend on what feeds my soul when appropriate). I did not date (n/y intention is neutral in this regard). My awareness of friendship, in all its variations, has grown and with that my appreciation for what is currently in my life (n/y intention, get some of these folks over for dinner and socializing). I did volunteer work (n/y intention, more of the same). My emotional life was a bit of a roller coaster, but the year is ending with that in a place of better understanding and broader thinking. My meditations floundered because of said roller coaster (n/y intention, get back on that horse...which is a kind and compassionate one). I continued to practice Aikido with as much consistency as possible (n/y intention, more of the same...but get into a routine and seek modalities to alleviate pain and limitations). I expanded my garden (n/y intention, definitely more of the same!). The year is finishing up with a sense of connection to those I hold most dear in my life. My mother is now gone (that's a 2018 biggie) from this plane, so knowing my family is out there with care and love in their hearts is especially comforting. I have come to the realization, that my self narratives have been rather skewed (n/y intention, align my narratives with the truth of who I am).
I'm sure over the next day I'll think of other 2018 reflections. It was a tough year in many regards. At the same time, it was also a year for accelerated growth. Perhaps that's just life in general. Nothing is as linear as I'd like it to be, but being okay with that is an accomplishment. Wishing you all the best in 2019...may you be safe, may you be content, may you be strong, may you live your life with ease. Blessings!