My calculations are off. The count for today's blog post is really should be 364. I'm 99% sure I blogged every single day since my birthday on January 4, 2018. But you know what? There's no way I'm obsessive enough to go back and see where the numbers got skewed (well...not obsessive enough at this point in time anyway).
So, tomorrow will be my 365th post for this year. This was my 59th year...I'm turning 60. I figured that's part of what made this a good cycle for the project. Maybe there's no real importance to ages that contain a zero...but to me, there is. And 60...boy...what a trip. I don't feel that least not in my head. Yeah, my body feels different than 30 years ago. But despite all the aches, pains and other weirdness, I feel like I'm stronger...and I know I'm more adaptable. Now, perhaps that's because changes have happened so incrementally that I don't really know what's what. I do recognize the ways in which I've gained wisdom...or something like that. I recognize the things that are really important to me. While I still delight in silliness, in frivolity, in the humor of just being human, I'm not inclined to waste time (as much...after all, that being human thing). For the most part, I'm more honest, although I still have lots to learn about boundaries. Perhaps more importantly, I can be honest with myself, which includes compassion. I have better access to my authentic nature. I don't really much care what anyone else thinks about me (certainly not strangers).
I look forward to being 60. I look forward to all the potential that's still within. I'm excited to create, to love, to connect. I'm excited to grow and evolve. And I'm so grateful to feel so much love from those I care about.
Onward, then! I don't know that I will be blogging every single day in my 60th year. I'm easing myself into a new daily practice by making small drawings. I don't "know" how to draw and I'm not trying to represent anything specific. The drawings are more driven by ideas...concepts maybe. Mostly, I'm looking for another way to keep my hands busy and my mind engaged in a different kind of creative expression. I may post a weekly collage of the pieces...I don't know yet. When I started this last 365 project, I told myself I'd just take it a day at a time and not get bent out of shape if I skipped days here and there. It turns out I didn't miss any (or at least I don't think so...).
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