It feels a little weird to not blog every day, after doing so for an entire year. But my new project has definitely filled in that time. I'm surprised that the drawings I'm making every day are taking well over an hour to complete. I thought this would be a quickie sort of daily practice. That being said, I love that my time is going to this. And I'm very curious as to how the drawings may evolve over the course of a year.
For the most part, I come to the pad with no real preconceived idea of what I'm going to draw. Sometimes there might be a free form concept in my head, and other times there's nothing but some internal motivation to create in a certain direction. The one time I tried to draw something more representational, I scrapped it because it just wasn't to my liking. Let me be was just bad. I never learned the proper way to draw and whether it's something in my head, or some weird fine motor control thing, or the fact I've never been instructed, the results when I try to depict a reality of what I see just don't please me.
In other news, I have all my lumen work framed for the show in February, up at Artist and Makers Studios in Rockville, MD. There are still other things I need to work on to prepare for this. I have to say I'm more than a little anxious about it. But, the momentum is going forward so I'm just trying to follow the steps that are required of me. That's not to say I'm not pleasantly excited. Mostly, it's just a new experience which tends to cause a nervous response!
We're expecting another winter storm here in central Virginia. How strange that it's been a month since our last winter storm. Christmas has come and gone, my kids came to visit, New Years has come and gone, I visited California for my birthday, and here we are heading into mid January! I don't mind the snow. Ice isn't all that thrilling, however. But at least we're getting some cold, which I think is good for the local flora and fauna, and that makes me happy.