...I wasn't sure if I might not be dying. I had an experience of heart palpitations, that just didn't go away like they usually do. This isn't unusual for me...heart palpitations. It's quite common, especially with post menopausal women (at least based on my rough observation). So...no...they wouldn't go away and I ended getting caught up in an intense panic attack. This went on for some time, until my lovely neighbor came to my aid and took me to the ER. I was hooked up to an EKG machine and had about five vials of blood drawn. I gradually settled down. No matter how much I feel uncomfortable with the hospital setting, I tell ya, it had a calming influence when I didn't know what the hell was going on with my body.
Anyway...turned out EKG was normal. Bloods were normal I was told, but then was told I had hyperthyroidism. Okay, I thought, I can deal with that. Over the next couple days I did some research and talked to others who have experienced this condition. Then I looked at my labs and noticed that my thyroid data was in the normal range. This was quite confusing. I finally went to the doctor on Tuesday and we rechecked. Lo and behold...my thyroid is normal and even my vitamin D levels are normal. I'm relieved, although slightly perplexed by my experience.
There are a number of factors that could have converged to cause the situation I found my body in. I'll spare you the boring details. But the thing I realized was...I need to make sure I rest and address my anxiety. I try, I really do...but I've been falling short. No more staying up until three a.m. reading, or endlessly surfing the internet because I'm lonely. It's not worth it. And I'm not going to push myself through physical labor if I feel I need to rest (or eat, or drink water) first. People can neglect their bodies in all sorts of ways. While I've always been good at proper diet and exercise, I've not always been good at abstaining from alcohol or caffeine (even the small amounts I consume) when I should...or getting enough sleep...or simply allowing that my body needs rest and conscious relaxation. It can be a catch 22 in that, for me, I can get anxious about "doing it right" even if it's with the intention of trying to relax more! Balance...it seems to always come down to balance.
I feel better today than I did a week ago in a number of ways. I'm looking at how I can construct/reconstruct my life to make it healthier and happier. Maybe I've never truly believed that happiness (or contentment and satisfaction, really) were available to me. It struck me at how painful the thought was that I might die, not being near my family. I was nowhere near death, but with a panic stricken mind I sure did think that. But the point is, how can I feel more connected and in touch with everyone and everything I love? I'm sixty years old. It's a blessing to have made it this far. But the next however many years I want to really count. It's a continuing exploration...and it might be good to look at it as an adventure. Working on it.
Today, was lovely...