There's some stuff going on right now. Well firstly, there's one issue I learned about last week, and worked through my emotions regarding moving through. I talked with my counselor this morning and while there's still a normal amount of anxiety, I'm doing better than I thought I might. Then this other issue came up...a littler thing in the grand scheme of things (and not one that I was totally oblivious too, but yeah, let's pick right now to deal with it... sigh ). But I think my energy may have been given over to the first healthy dealing with it energy. So I found myself starting to go down the spiral that ends with obsessing (about something that isn't fully understood yet...but, but, but...) and noting just how fucking uncomfortable that is.
I managed to pull myself out of the spiral...or at least start to. I made a call, had a conversation, and continue to work on putting things in perspective. Because if there's one thing I'm grand at, it's that "everything is awful and my life is doomed" imagination. At this point, the ground feels a least a little more solid under my feet.
I have to admit, there are some significant shifts going on in my consciousness. There's a lot of reframing, opening up, and simply allowing what is...and that does take work. It's all's all necessary. I understand (at least intellectually) the stuck places, the grooves in my brain that hold me back from joy and moving into a truly vibrant way of being. So when it feels like crap gets piled on top of crap (whether it's real or perceived is irrelevant at this point) I try to remember the work that's in progress and build on any gains I've made. I try to remember, "Therese, you felt like this before and you dealt or are dealing with can do this." I figure it's like looking up a mountain and knowing where I want to be and choosing a path that seems like it will get me there most effectively. Then I come to the other side of a bend and see the thicket before me, or the rocks that don't look quite as stable as I'd like them to. Oh lordy, it can really feel shitful in the moment because my brain wants to desperately cling to those old grooves. At which point I say, "go ahead and cry, go ahead and feel what you feel right now...then pull some cards, or take pictures of your new work and get on with your life."
May I just say...oy, oy, oy.
(and as always...because I'm trying to begin to make a living at this, please check out my Society6 shop and my books on Blurb and share with your friends!)