The figs in the garden are finally starting to ripen. There are quite a few fruits hanging on the tree, so it's a game to see if I can pick them when ripe enough, but before the birds get to the them. The birds are very smart.
One of the little raspberry plants is also producing a little crop. When I first planted it back last spring, it was already setting a bit of fruit. It was surprising, however, to see a few more clusters of berries happening now. The poor little thing isn't even particularly robust. It will probably gain some strength after going dormant this winter and coming back next year.
Speaking of winter... Well, it's not even fall yet. In fact, summer is coming around again for a final (probably not...that's just wishful thinking) hurrah. Temperatures will climb into the 90s this week. It's still rather humid as well. After all the rain we've had, it'll be humid for a while.