It drizzled and rained pretty much all of Saturday and is still carrying on a day later. The weather curtailed my work hours yesterday. Having not really slept Friday night (owing to thinking about what I needed to do first thing the next morning), it was okay to be able to stay in and rest for the second half of the day. Last night, I did actually sleep well. A slow drip of rain outside, cool temperatures and flannel sheets enticed me to stay in bed just a little longer. When I got up, though, I realized I was nearly out of half and half, so I decided to shower and get over to the brand new Trader Joe's (which is a quick five minutes from my house, rather than the 20 I'd been traveling previously) to get some groceries laid in.
How to spend the rest of Sunday? Well, there's always laundry, and some vacuuming, more art journal pages perhaps...but probably no gardening as it's soggy outside.