First off, I've not posted in a few days because all my energy has been going into garden prep. It's still too early to plant anything out, although I did get some poppy, buckwheat and pea seeds in (all which do okay when it's still relatively cold). I've been out in the garden four or five days in a row, averaging three or four hours a day. Invasives have been dug out, leaves shredded and deposited as edge mulch, and wheel barrow after wheel barrow of compost placed where beds will be (and on fruiting plants). Since our dry spell was coming to an end, I wanted to get ahead of the curve with this prep. With most of the hard labor finished, I can look forward to the fun stuff...planting! It might be a few weeks before temps remain in a good range at night, but I'm glad to return to other things for a while before spring gardening really takes off.
What does all that have to do with dreams? Maybe nothing. Then again, I had a doozy of a dream last night (I mean, I regularly have vivid and weird dreams, but this one was actually kind of fun) and wondered if all my physical labor and digging in the dirt had something to do with it. In addition, I've been pretty consistent about using mugwort infused oil on my sore back, hands, knees and also on my belly (which isn't necessarily sore) before bed. Mugwort is known as a dream herb, so...who knows?
This dream had a lot of parts and pieces, and is difficult to describe chronologically. So, let me just tell you the interesting parts....
There was a part about visiting with family and having a meal out with friends...what joy!
There was a weird part about grocery shopping. Okay, the detail in this part is funny...I had to climb up on a ladder to find the Orowheat Wheatberry bread and while I was up on the ladder I saw another woman up on a ladder looking for a different product. She proceeded to ask me if I knew where her friend with a family of six could stay for a while. It felt like a scam, so I said no. Then another shopper asked me the same thing later. What was that about? That was the only part of the dream that felt uncomfortable, like I was being set up. Back to the shopping...the other items I tried to find were ice cream sandwiches and fudgesicles...and plants! But the time I was ready to pay for my purchases, the line was so long I just left without my groceries.
Then there was visiting an old Polish village, with little cottages that had been abandoned. Someone was fixing them up to sell. While the renovations were really nice, the cottages sort of lost their character. I went back to one I'd visited earlier and all the old, dusty books were gone which was a bit disappointing.
But the most fun part of the dream came after visiting the village. It became winter at twilight and there was snow all over which made it quite magical. A procession of some sort was happening with horses and wagons and people parading down the street. Suddenly I decided I wanted to fly and I took off like a super hero, shot straight up into a cobalt blue winter sky. I could feel the cold wind on my face...a freedom of spirit. Many times in flying dreams I have a hard time keeping myself aloft, especially if I'm in a lucid state. This dream was only partly lucid...I knew I was dreaming but wasn't inclined to control the direction of the dream and it surprised me how strong I flew. I was going very fast, wondering just how high and far I would go. It was exhilarating! At some point I landed. The whole experience was very cool. I'd take more of those dreams any time!
I would like to pay more attention to my dreams again. It's not that they're not happening, or even that they're not interesting, I just don't have the attention span to work on the recall. It might be a good thing to do again.