Yesterday I started a new online tarot class taught by my friend Rebecca . I've used tarot more or else regularly for the past decade or so, but it has never quite clicked as I'd like. The way Rebecca teaches it, however, really resonates with me. I think this will be a wonderful way to make the practice more approachable for my desires (that is, as another tool for introspection and self understanding).
In other news, it's been gray and chilly again today. I finally dragged myself out to do some shopping, since I'd been putting it off day after day on account of my gardening efforts. So I hit Lowe's (for bedding mix, potting mix and bird food...oh, and a flat of pansies); Good Foods grocery for honey, whole wheat flour, buckwheat flour and flax seeds; and finally Trader Joe's for general grocery shopping. I feel well stocked again.
After my shopping adventure I would have preferred to take a nap, but there were a couple kitchen projects I wanted to do. There was a random assortment of tired carrots and a daikon radish in the veggie bin that seemed good candidates for a pickle/ferment. To make it more interesting, I dug up some of the wild garlic in my garden to add to the pickle. That's sitting on the counter now, all pretty in its multi colored goodness. It was time to make another batch of pickled beets as well (not a lacto ferment, just made with your average, yummy vinegar brine), so I managed to accomplish that.
Thankfully there's soup already made that just needs heating up for dinner. Although I felt draggy all the day, I still managed to get tasks done. Now I need to start prioritizing art making!