Well, I'm not sure it's the best, but it's the most readily available. I'm referring to the garden. It's the easiest activity to bring me into the moment, to practice awareness, and to feel a sense of purpose.
Sometimes I think I use the garden as a way out of making art...that is, I make it a priority. Maybe that's okay. Maybe the garden is more of a priority for me than making art. That being said, the two are intertwined. When I consider how much of my photography and other visual art is based on the life of the garden, it's really impossible to separate the two. Once in a while I think that maybe I would produce more art, if I didn't have the responsibility of my garden. But then I realize that the majority of my visual material is right outside my door step (and not only for artwork but for food and medicine and other creative pursuits as well). It's all wrapped up together, and I rather like it that way.