Well, now, how did that happen??
The sun has reached its Zenith overhead and will be gradually making progress towards the south. Heat and humidity have, of course, taken up residence for the next few months, but nothing stops the cycles of nature. Seriously, it won't be long until autumn shows up, and even before that, the Halloween decorations arrive at Michael's (I'm thinking that's going to happen in the next few weeks!).
I'm supposed to be writing about transformation for my practice today. I haven't yet set the timer and gotten to it. But mulling it over in my head, it seems to me that transformation is just another word for change. We like to think we have "a-ha" moments and somehow become forever different people...more evolved and better. While there may be special circumstances in which that does occur, mostly our transformations are by the bit by bit method. And even when we do think we've transformed, old habits die hard as they say and, as far as I'm concerned, these efforts or lifelong.
But the garden is continually transforming itself, naturally and with great ease. I'd like to be more like the garden...
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