This morning I'm thinking about...
nesting...and how I hung new artwork on my wall, how I'm going to have new shelves put in, how I want to prepare over the winter for next year's garden, how it's time to bake with apples and pumpkin and make lentil stew again.
last week...and how I spent the afternoon with my kids in Port Costa, browsing and eating and walking their dog, and the week before that how I was up in Gualala with my sister and brother in law and my son checking out the farmer's market and pay-n-take, and how the sun barely shown on the vast Pacific ocean.
my family...and how fabulous it was to see everyone, and how today is the fifth wedding anniversary of my daughter and son in law and how fantastic that day five years ago was, and how grateful I am that everyone is doing okay and is healthy and content.
this glorious day...and how that makes two in a row and how wonderful if it were a trend going into autumn, but also how I'm confident it's going to heat up again but the light is changing so I know the next season is not far off.