I was up early this morning, to go get labs drawn for my physical next week. This is coming up on the last of about a couple month's worth of health diagnostics and screening. I'm glad to be approaching to the end of this. So far, things look fine.
I will be curious to see these labs, though. Last year there were a couple items that were just marginally high or low...the doctor never even mentioned them to me (my guess is that they may have been dependent on circumstance, such as when I last ate etc.). This year I decided to go in early after fasting to have my blood drawn. For about a month I've abstained from all added sugar (including honey, maple syrup etc), alcohol and any kind of fruit juice. Also, not that I regularly eat processed food, but I've been cooking pretty much all my food from scratch, and have had very little flour and no white flour. After reading Robert Lustig's "Metabolical" I've become more aware of how insidious sugar was in my diet. I mean, I didn't eat a lot of the stuff, but a big glob of honey every morning in my tea (on an empty stomach, I might add) and a few cookies or dessert after dinner on most days, well, I think it adds up. My intention is to keep my liver protected and feed my gut. I'm not necessarily thinking this abstention will be universal from now on, but retraining my palate and habits allows me to make better choices. I don't feel so compelled to have sugar as I did for a while (no, I have not touched any Halloween candy and don't intend to...a few candy corn before I set this new course and the rest went into the trash). Now, if my labs come back unchanged from last year, then I might rethink things!
It was a lovely morning to out and about early. More and more autumn color is coming into the trees. The sun was shining bright, the air was cool and I felt enlivened. I'm looking forward to the weekend and Halloween too. There's nothing special on my schedule, but I do like carving pumpkins!
Love those rainbows on the wall.
Somebody is wondering why we're fiddling with a camera when it's time for breakfast.