The temperature reading the first time I looked this morning was 11F. That's the lowest I've seen it this winter. When I let Avery out to do her business it was definitely colder than I've experienced recently. Bracing, to be sure.
The rain chain off the front porch is covered in ice. I wanted to get some photos of it, but was still in my pjs and robe and wasn't in a hurry to change. But...I'm the age at which, what does it really matter? Who cares? Perhaps I'm becoming that eccentric old lady in the neighborhood. Perhaps?
I started thinking about the old women, the grandmas, from my childhood. I never knew my own grandmas, my babcias. But there were a couple old women on our block and my neighbor friends' grandma that felt super interesting to me. One woman at the end of our street, we called her Grandma Julia. She lived in this tiny California, post war house on the alley. I think she was from some eastern European country or maybe Germany. Her house fascinated me because the front and back yards were covered with little gnomes and fairy tale scenes. Inside her house was like a curio shop. I remember once she gave me a tiny bottle with a piece of fools gold in it (I'm sure I thought it was real gold). My mom had mixed feelings about her...I could never understand why.
Another neighbor, across the street, was the mother of the man who lived next door. Her grandsons were some of my early playmates. There's was a gate from her back yard to her family's. What struck me about her was the fact that the entirety of her back yard was garden. There were little paths and an arbor and fruit trees. She used to have hard candy she would give to us when we visited. My mom did like her.
Lastly, the neighbor girls' grandma used to live a couple towns over. I don't know why, but we would often go visit her. Her home sat on what, to my early eyes, was a huge lot. There was a gravel driveway, lilacs and grapevines. It felt like being in the country, but was really just Downey, before all the SoCal infill. She spoke with an Oklahoma drawl. I believe she had native American lineage. I liked her. Out of the three grandmas I've mentioned, she was the one I actually felt there was some communication with. My mom liked her too.
So what is it about these three women that resonated with my childhood spirit? And how does that relate to the old woman I'm growing into? Well, I think it's obvious...gardens, creativity, and probably just a bit of eccentricity. I can live with that. In fact, I can embrace that.