I can dig it.
Other than that, I have nothing much else to report. Swimming through the stuff of life...the feel goods and the not so feel goods. You know, like everyone else.
I was however, sitting by the front window this morning, watching the birds at the seed block. There was a single red winged blackbird that would peck and peck and then stop to call out. It made me think he was calling to the others saying, "hey, look what we have here." But only one other blackbird came, which seemed odd to me since I usually see them in groups. They flew away and then came juncos and chickadees and cardinals. I think there were a couple Caronlina wrens who came by too. And I just went into this zone thinking of the magic that is nature and what has been created and what we humans have the capacity for with our complex brains and emotions. And that was my church for this morning.
I was part of a spiritual group for a long time, which would profess that this life was an illusion, that there was something better waiting in our meditations and when we reached a state of samadhi or something. It was never about this moment, and myself, being complete just as they are. I don't have to try to "be better" or something other than exactly who I am (that's not say I don't strive to make changes that support a more comfortable and whole state of being). I don't deny others their experiences, since I don't think there's a one size fits all with regard to spirituality. But I can no longer take the words of others as fact. There may be useful guidance if those words seem to hit my core, though. We're all just human, after all.