I got a haircut today. Every time I do this, it looks as if the gray on my head is expanding. This isn't a bad thing and I rather like it. I tried to get a photo with the Instax in the sun to show it off. Alas, the film made it look more blond than gray. Trust me, it's gray.
The weather today is unseasonably lovely. There are still patches of ice around the neighborhood from last week, but those won't last much longer. By the middle of next week, it's supposed to reach around 70F.
Typically these kind of conditions make me cranky (in winter), when it's supposed to be cold, gosh darnit! For some reason, it's not bothering me this time. In fact, it's making me look forward to the spring. This warmth won't last, but it reminds me that the growing season will be here before I know it.