There's hazy sunshine outside, but this week promises to be slightly warmer than typical for February. The rain chances seem minimal as well. So that means back in the garden. I actually look forward to being outside in the spring like air, hopefully with some warm sun on my back, as I schlep wood chips around. There are a couple rhubarb roots to plant, as well as one more bare root blueberry (tiny little thing). If I can get that wood chip pile down to even with the gravel driveway (where did that gravel go??), I may order compost.
My creative energy has been a bit rootless these days. I have ideas for avenues to pursue, but while they feel tangible enough in the moment they often disappear like smoke! It's disconcerting, but I chalk it up to winter (because it still is that) and the full moon (with its sense of retreat).
Wishing you all a lovely week ahead!