Well, considering tomorrow is a no internet day for me and Monday is May, this will be my last grateful April post for the mini project. I think it's done what I intended, grounding me a little more into the now.
This is a picture of tea camellia leaves. It's mostly the very tips. I had trimmed back the plant and thought I'd try my hand at actually processing some of my own tea. I let the leaves set for a few hours, then steamed them for a minute and then put them on a sheet in the oven (set at 240F) for 20 minutes. The leaves smelled wonderful in all stages. The tea itself is light and has a savory, vegetal kind of tone. It actually tastes like one of my favorite green teas, Purple Bamboo. Not sure how I did that, but I dig it.
But while I'm grateful for that (homegrown tea), I wanted to note my greatest gratefulness...for my wonderful kids, my siblings, friends and good neighbors. This project was more about the little stuff, but this...this is big stuff and I wanted to claim it.
See you in a couple days!