It's the day after Mother's Day. It's interesting to read about its origins. How telling that the originator spent the last years of her life trying to abolish the "holiday." I can't disagree about the distaste for the commercial aspect. On the other hand, I totally respect the original idea.
When I woke up yesterday morning the windows were open so I laid in bed listening to the dawn chorus. That's something I never tire of. I thought about my mom and I thought about my own experience of being a mother. I thought about how I wished I'd known myself more during my kids growing years, so I could have mothered them better. At the same time, I thought about the wonderful humans my kids are and how lucky I feel to have them in my life.
It was a quiet, lovely day. I took long walks, I finished a book, I fed myself good food. The kids called, each on their own and we had good chats. Saturday I received flowers from them both. I miss living close to them, but I'm grateful for any kind of connection.
This is a different time of life. Sometimes it's a struggle to completely embrace the "what is." But if I'm truly present, it's pretty darn good, so that's my practice.