Happy Flickrversary to me! Nineteen years. Nineteen years?? The little montage below is from my first account on the platform. Those were the initial images uploaded. At that time, however, I didn't understand that Flickr was actually a photo sharing social network kind of site. The only reason I uploaded photos was to be able to put them on my old blog (which became unusable, as in I couldn't access control of it, even though it's clearly still hanging out there!!). When I started getting views on Flickr I was amazed and thought, "oh, how cool is this?". And the rest, as they say, is history.
Now, almost two decades later I'm still there, still posting away. This blog too has seen its progression to the current state. A lot has transpired in nineteen years. But I'm still here, kickin' (although those kicks can carry more aches and pains than they used to!!). I'm grateful for my life, my family and friends. I'm grateful for the record and art of my photography. Still learning, experimenting, and some days just putting one foot in front of the other.
And here I am today...fatter and grayer than I was all those years ago (and I'm okay with that....)