Okay, that sounds a bit intense. It's just that after our little bit of sunshine the other day, the rain came through again, starting yesterday afternoon. We're good where water's concerned these days, that's for sure. While the rain stopped this morning, the skies are gray and uninspiring. After getting Avery out for a walk, we've been home...she sleeping, me trying to figure out what to do next.
The time was slipping by, so I decided one thing I could do (and indeed, had planned on doing), is list a few art pieces that I made back in 2018 (at first I was thinking, "oh, that was only a few years ago" and then, "think again!"). These are photographic prints on goyu paper, which has been dipped in encaustic medium and enhanced with beadwork. They are framed...and can be seen in my shop.
It's not as much of an accomplishment for the day as I'd like, but it's something. Truth be told, ever since my trip last weekend (from which I came home with a weird virus that knocked me out for 24 hours) I haven't felt very grounded. There are different reasons for this, and I'm not freaking out about it...but I don't like it. Hence, anything I can do that feels like a forward movement is good.
Here are some pictures of shiitake mushrooms still growing on a log out back...because, why not!