I've had rosa canina growing for years. I moved it a couple years ago. Every year I'd prune as I pruned other rose bushes. There were only ever a few, if any, flowers. Lo and behold, I finally did the wise thing and researched the way to cut back this particular rose. For years I was doing it wrong. This is the first year that I followed the correct instruction and voila! Flowers (just starting) and lots of buds. Yay!!
The peonies have many, many buds this year. I'm hoping they open before I go on my trip. A lot will happen in the garden when I'm away for two weeks. Leaving my garden will be...challenging, haha!
I've been making an afternoon tea for a few days now...fresh lemon balm, mint and mugwort. As a crone, I'm working with mugwort (aka cronewort)...for digestion, for dreaming. The tea doesn't really carry the taste of the mugwort...I think it's on the tasteless side anyway. It also doesn't seem to be bitter...always a plus!