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Posted at 04:07 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
One characteristic of shooting pinhole is being able to get in so close to the subject and keep everything in focus. Often there can be a rather bizarre tweaking of scale in the photo, since the depth of field is so vast. While there isn't necessarily anything like that going on in these images of the garden, I still think they're intriguing.
Posted at 11:29 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Could it be...summer's last hurrah?? I won't venture to say. It's hot hot hot today. However it doesn't feel quite as humid as I expected. Still, not a great day for being outdoors.
There were a number of indoor tasks to address today anyway. I finished up some choices for a couple calls for entry. I emptied out all the poppy seed pods (there's almost enough to make some poppy seed filling) and I shot/processed/scanned/edited a roll of film from the Zero. I do still love pinholes. The more I make them the more they delight me.
Next week, perhaps, just maybe (if the forecast is somewhere near correct) it'll feel more like autumn again.
Posted at 03:44 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
I was perusing the book shelf to look for more meal time company. Generally, I don't want something to "read" read...I want something I can skim through, maybe the pictures make me feel comforted, cook books, gardening books, architecture books. Today I came upon these old Good Earth Almanacs. Who remembers when they used to run a strip in the Sunday comics? I think I was a teenager at the time. This was also the same period when I got into looking through all my brother's Mother Earth News! Anyway, I brought them down and enjoyed rereading them. I enjoyed them so much, I found a full set of 8 on Etsy and decided to add them to my motley collection of this kind of thing (note my Foxfire books).
Posted at 03:28 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
There's a photo gallery up in Vermont that put out a call for entry for landscapes. I know the juror (as an acquaintance) and like her, so I thought, "what the heck". I haven't entered any shows in forever. It's something I'd like to be less hesitant about doing. Fear of failure much? Anyway, I was printing out some photos today and am rather pleased. The application to enter requires jpgs only, but I needed to make some decisions about the images I plan to use and their dimensions. In addition to that, there's another cyanotype hanging to dry. Not a bad day.
(these are little teasers)
Posted at 04:58 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Life seems to be coming together in such a way, that has given me the impetus to ease into some changes. It seems like forever I've spent most meals with a screen in front of me. Whether that's a computer device or a flatscreen for movies/tv, it's become a habit. I know why this is...it's a way of compensating for lack of companionship. For the whole time I was married and the kids were in the house, we ate at the dinner table together (except for occasional movie nights with pizza). This was one of my favorite things. That being the case, I've always been pretty gentle on myself for my current routine. But I'd like it to change. I'd like to be more mindful again. I'd like to unplug for longer periods of time. Whenever I attempt this path of change, it doesn't seem to last very long. So we'll see how this goes. Even a little bit of change is good, even if it has to keep happening over and over.
Posted at 02:27 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
It's getting slightly warmer, but today was still lovely. I managed to accomplish a few things in the garden, work on sourdough bread (rising now, but won't be ready for dinner) and made another wet cyanotype. Today's cyanotype is more what I'm after, rather than the one I made yesterday. Trying to form an approach...a re-approach? Anyway, no complaints on this Friday.
Posted at 05:40 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
The house was 68f this morning. I've been leaving the windows open at night and only the fan in my bedroom on. Yesterday barely made it out of the 70s. Hence, I brought out my fuzzy green (even though it looks blue in these Instax photos) robe. It feels cozy and like a harbinger of cooler days to come. But...not before a heat up next week...bah!
Today will be a good day to make some prints and to work more in the garden. There's so much to do. I need to take advantage whenever cooler days occur, because this summer really burnt (no pun...or maybe?...intended) me out on humid heat. It won't be long, though, for the seasons to transition and I'm here for it!! I love fall. I love winter...especially if there's snow. It's different every year...I have my hopes though (which I carry for many things).
Posted at 09:00 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
The morning was in the 50s and I think we topped out in the upper 70s today. The air was dry with a slight breeze. It really did feel like autumn. I wish it would stay like this and move on into the cold months. But...that is definitely wishful thinking. Next week is supposed to be hot again...not as hot as it was earlier this month though.
All that being the case, it was the perfect day to work in the garden and to get the lawns mowed. I could even wear long sleeves and pants, thus avoiding the need for bug spray. Yippee!!
Posted at 05:34 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 04:13 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)