The Japanese maple is still resplendent. However, the edges of the leaves are starting to get frost burn. It was in the 20s this morning and will continue to be so for a few more days.
Avery and I had a little walk around noon. I think the temperature was almost 40F at that time. No wind, so it was rather pleasant. If any storms systems were coming through, maybe we'd even have snow. But...nope.
I'm restarting a Wild Writing practice a la 27powers. I needed another grounding activity, since doom scrolling is becoming a habit again. Yes, yes, I know I said I was working on that...and I am. Hence, finding another practice to channel my thoughts. Reading Heather Cox Richardson once a day and giving a glance at The News Hour or some such (BBC maybe?) is enough to keep track of things.
What a curious time of year. I mean, curiouser than normal (what is normal anyway?), but I'm not referring to that aspect. No, just this time of year when nature says to go in, be mindful, slow down...and yet? Thankfully I don't have to be too caught up in the holiday hubbub if I choose not to be. But, I'll be traveling Christmas week and I like getting little somethings for my dear I'm not totally immune to the activity. On these cold days, though, it does feel good to be doing inside work by a fire in the wood stove.