The pajak design I've chosen to make for this holiday season, is a lot more detailed than I first realized. There are many, many small steps on the way to a finished mobile.
So, I pull in my vision to each step as it arises. Holding that attention there, or rather, relaxing into the "moments" is a challenge. But it's not impossible and I tell myself there are other benefits to the exercise (surely?). It's like many of the creative projects I to keep the big picture at bay (most of the time) to avoid overwhelm.
Today I cut, scored, and folded 45 pieces of tissue paper to make four pom poms. Then I cut to varying sizes, close to 100 pieces of rye straw (more of that task to do). Tomorrow I should be able to start making the arms of the piece, stringing straw sections and paper stars. I'll consider it a Christmas miracle if I get it all done by the 25th. And yet...I know it's possible. The miracle may come in being able to keep myself on task!
Another chilly day, but not as cold. A warm up is on the way into the next week. Big sigh for no snow (now that would be a Christmas miracle).